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Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Immensity of The Creator's Dominions!

The Immensity of The Creator's Dominions!

"His dominion is an everlasting dominion!" (Daniel 4:34).

"The Lord has established His throne in Heaven, and His kingdom rules over all!" (Psalm 103:19).

God is a sovereign of absolute and unlimited dominion! Reason and revelation both teach us that God's government and authority are coextensive with His rational creation. His government reaches to the remotest bounds of the habitable universe!

Every angel in Heaven, every inhabitant of earth, the millions of beings that people the worlds that are above and around us - are all subjects of His divine authority.

We speak of God's government as coextensive with His moral kingdom; but this language, obviously, fails to convey to our minds adequate conceptions either of the government or of the kingdom over which it is established; for modern science has thrown open to us an extent of empire that is beyond the grasp of the mightiest and loftiest of human intellects.

With the air of telescopic power, we discover that immensity is crowded with worlds and systems, of which, before, we had no knowledge; and that this earth, instead of being the central portion of God's dominions, to which all that is visible in the heavens is tributary and secondary - is, in fact, but one amid myriads of worlds, which vastly surpass it in magnificence and splendor! We discover that the universe is of such an extent that this earth, with its islands, continents and oceans, is but a speck - a speak,  the loss of which would be no more felt than the removal of a single grain of sand from the seashore!

An eloquent writer has said that there may be "an impenetrable barrier, beyond which no power, either of eye or of telescope, shall ever carry us; that, on the other side, there is a height, and depth, and length, and breadth, to which the whole of this concave and visible firmament dwindles into the insignificance of an atom! And though all which the mind of man can take in, or his imagination grasp at, were swept away - there might still remain as ample a field, over which the Divinity might expatiate, and which He might have peopled with innumerable worlds! Though this earth were to be burned up, though the trumpet of its dissolution were sounded, though yon sky were to pass away as a scroll, and every visible glory which the finger of Divinity has inscribed on it were to be put out forever - an event so awful to us, and to every world in our vicinity, by which so many suns would be extinguished, and so many varied scenes of life and of population would rush into forgetfulness - what is it in the high scale of the Almighty's workmanship? - a mere shred, which, though scattered into nothing, would leave the universe of God one entire scene of greatness and of majesty!"

Such is the immensity of the Creator's dominions - an immensity so vast that the solitude created by the destruction of all that is visible would be but a minuscule point, to the infinite mind of God!

What must be the attributes of that monarch, who, while presiding over such a kingdom, and taking within His comprehensive grasp the interests of various ranks of intelligences, as numerous, perhaps, as the worlds around us - and at the same time can notice every thought that enters my mind, every motive that influences my conduct, and every circumstance that contributes to form my character, and decide my destiny! An administration thus universal, and embodying the eternal principles of right, justice, and benevolence, must be in the highest degree powerful and glorious!

But who can describe, or even conceive of the glory of this divine government - that throws its luster upon every world, and fills immensity with its splendors!

When its grand purposes shall have been accomplished - the sublime spectacle will be presented of a universe crowded with loyal and adoring subjects. From every world will ascend, to the infinite Sovereign,anthems of praise, and the incense of holy worship. Every planet will glitter with temples, whose lofty architecture, and splendid proportions, and costly decorations, will indicate the prevalence of devotion, and the homage that is rendered to the supreme divine Governor!

"Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns!" (Rev. 19:6).

~Rufus Wheelwright Clark~

(The End)

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Thirty Scripture Directions

Thirty Scripture Directions

1. "Never let the world come into God's place" (1 John 2:15).

2. Keep up the same opinion now of things of the world, that you will have when you come to die" (Matthew 16:26).

3. Be not strangers to yourselves, but often commune with your own hearts" (Psalm 4:4).

4. Begin early in the service of God, and give Him the days of your youth" ( Ecclesiastes 12:1).

5. Shun the company that shuns God and keep the company that God keeps" (Psalm 119;63).

6. Put a high value upon precious time, and lose none of it by sloth. (Ehpesians 5:16).

7. Allow a little time every day to think upon eternity. (Matthew 25:46).

8. Throughout your whole life be mindful of the chief business of life. (Philippians 2:12)

9. Let the rational soul govern, and the body be subservient to it. (1 Corinthians 9:27).

10. Study both to live and die in the exercise of repentance and godly mourning for sin. (Matthew 5:4).

11. While you strive to live a holy and righteous life (1 Peter 1:16; 2 Peter 3:11) - let it never take the place of imputed righteousness. (Romans 10:3)

12. Employ Christ as your surety in all cases, and in every strait go to Him for relief. (Hebrews 12:2).

13. As you expect to live with Christ in Heaven, study to live for Christ on earth. (2 Corinthians 5:15).

14. Cleave fast to Christ and the way of holiness, whatever it may  cost you. (Acts 11:23; 2 Timothy 3:12).

15. Seek the approval of God, above that of men. (2 Corinthians 10:18).

16. Be much employed in admiring God's redeeming love, and Christ's suretyship for us. (1 John 3:1, 16).

17. Delight much in thinking upon Christ - particularly of His death and sufferings for us. ( 1 Corinthians 2:2; Galatians 6:14)

18. Treat objections raised against the Gospel, as suggestions of the enemy who is seeking the ruin of your souls. (Matt. 16:23).

19. Study much these great Gospel lessons of denying yourselves, and exalting God's free grace. (Matt. 16:24; 1 Cor. 1:31).

20 Draw all your strength for work from Christ, and present all your duties to God in Christ's name. (Isaiah 45:24; Col. 3:17).

21. In all the actions of your life, set the Lord always before you. (Psalm 16:8; 25:15).

22. Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:17).

23. Spend as much time as possible in secret prayer and converse with God. (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

24. Make conscience of family religion, as well as the closet duties. (Joshua 24:15).

25. Begin and end every day with God. (Psalm 4:8; Psalm 5:3)

26. Seeing none knows what day may bring forth, spend every day as if it were to be your last. (Proverbs 27:1).

27. Sojourn in this world as pilgrims, keeping so loose from the world as to be able to pack up and be gone from it upon short warning. (1 Peter 1:17; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31).

28. Walk worthy of God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory. (1 Thessalonians 2:12; Philippians 3:14).

29. Improve the talents God gives you for His service and glory. (Luke 19:13).

30. Let all believers be thankful to God for His distinguishing favors and mercies to them. (Psalm 116:8, 12).

~John Willison~

Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Infernal Dungeon of Hell!

The Infernal Dungeon of Hell!

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed - into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels!" (Matthew 25:4).

Those in the infernal dungeon of hell, will undergo a variety of torments. Those who are most afflicted upon earth, have seldom any more than one malady at a time. But should they have the plague, the gout, the stone, and fever all at one time - how miserable would they think themselves! Yet all that is but like the biting of a flea - compared to those intolerable, pungent pains which those in hell endure! There, they have all the loathed variety of hell to grapple with: the unquenchable fire to burn them; a lake of burning brimstone ever choking them; eternal chains to bind them; utter darkness to affright them, and a worm of conscience which gnaws upon them eternally! Any one of these is worse to bear - than all the torments which mankind ever felt on earth!

But the torments in hell are also universal, afflicting each part of the body and soul - which renders what they suffer, most insufferable! In those illnesses which men are seized with on earth, though some parts are afflicted - other parts are free. But in hell, each member of the soul and body is continually tormented.

The eye is torments with the sight of devils, who appear in all the horrid and black shapes which sin can give them! The ear is tormented with the loud yellings and continual outcries of the damned. The nostrils are smothered with suplhurous flames. The tongue is covered with burning blisters. The whole body is rolled in liquid fire! The imagination is tormented with the thoughts of what a heaven has been lost. The memory is tormented with reflecting on those opportunities they had of being saved. The mind is tormented with considering how vainly precious time has been wasted. The understanding is tormented with the thoughts of the present pains, and future sorrows - which are to last forever! The conscience is tormented with a continual gnawing worm.

Another thing which makes the misery of hell so dreadful, is the extremity of the torments. The fire which burns is so violent that all the water in the sea can never quench it! The pains suffered are so extreme, that it is impossible they should be known by any, but those who feel them!

Another part of hell's misery is the ceaselessness of the torments. As various, as universal, and as extremely violent as they are - they are continual, also. Nor have they the least rest from them. "They will go away into eternal punishment!" (Matt. 25:46).

The company they have there, is another element of their misery. Tormenting devils and tormented souls are all the company! Dreadful shricks and howlings, and fearful blasphemies, is all the conversation!

The place in which they suffer is another thing which increases the sufferings. Hell is the epitome of all misery - a prison, a dungeon, a bottomless pit, a lake of fire and brimstone, a furnace of fire which burns to eternity, the blackness of darkness forever!

The cruelty of our tormentors is another thing which adds to the torments. The tormentors are devils, in whom there is no pity. Being tormented themselves, they take pleasure in tormenting others.

But that which makes these sufferings most grievous - is that they shall always be so - there most intolerable sufferings shall last to all eternity. "Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire!" will perpetually sound in the ears of the damned! The miserable situation they are in, shall be forever!

~John Bunyan~

(The End)

Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Key Of Death Is In The Savfiour's Hands!

The Key Of Death Is In The Saviour's Hands!

"Do not be afraid! I am the First and the Last, the Ever-living One! I died - but see, I am alive forevermore! And I hold the keys of death, and Hades." (Revelation 1:17-18).

When it is affirmed that Jesus holds "the key of DEATH," it is plainly implied that none can pass out of this present world without His appointment. And, more, generally, that He is Lord of the living not less than of the dead, and has a thorough control over everything that can in any way affect the lives of men. An absolute power over death, necessarily presupposes a corresponding power over life and its affairs. And it is by the exercise of His providence in sustaining life - that He fulfills His purpose as to the time and mode of their departure hence.

Has the Redeemer the keys of death? Then this should mitigate the anxiety which often preys upon the mind when we look forward into futurity, and contemplate the prospect of our own death. We should remember, that as the Redeemer alone has the keys of death - nothing can happen to send us forth from the world before the time which He has appointed for our departure. Neither man nor devils can abridge the term of probation assigned to us by our gracious Master. Nor, until He is pleased to call us away, shall any power on earth or in hell prevail against us. The Redeemer is possessed of absolute power over the course of our lives on earth - and over the time and manner of our departure out of this world.

No accident, no hostile violence, no insidious snare, no dark conspiracy - can touch our life - but by His command. And surely, when we reflect on the numerous dangers to which human life is exposed - the frailty of our frame - the diseases to which it is subject - our constant exposure to fatal accidents - the malice of open or concealed enemies - it must be consolatory to know, that the key of death is in the Saviour's hands, and that, come what may, we cannot be forced out of the world, until He opens the door and bids us to come to Him!

More especially, when we are visited with disease, and threatened with a speedy termination of life - the Saviour's power over the keys of death should repress or assuage those violent anxieties as to the probability of death or of recovery - and those disquieting speculations as to the outcome of disease, and the mode of its treatment. For disease cannot kill, nor can medicine cure - without the appointment of Him who holds in His own hands the keys of life and of death! And if He has fixed the outcome of this disease - then why should we be anxious?

If death is in our cup - that cup has been put into our hands at the time fixed by unerring wisdom and infinite love! And if the door of death is opening for our departure - it is because the tender Saviour, whom we love and trust, is summoning us to be forever with Him!

Shall we, then, rebel against His appointment? Shall we doubt the love and wisdom of His determination? Or, as ignorant as we are of what is before us in this world, and of what really concerns our best interests - can we entertain the wish, that the power of determining the time of our death were wrested out of His hands and placed in our own?

True, we may have many ties that attach us to this world. We may be young, and, with the optimistic hope of youth, may cleave to life. We may be prosperous, and surrounded with many comforts. We may have a young and engaging family, whom we are loath to leave behind us to th cold charities of the world. But do we imagine that these considerations are not known to the Redeemer, or that He has not weighed them all? And if, notwithstanding, it is His will to summon us home - are we not prepared to yield up our faulty judgment to His unerring wisdom?

The duration of each man's existence on earth is determined by the Redeemer. It belongs to Him to appoint a longer or shorter period to each, as He wills. And in doing so, we have reason to be satisfied, that He determines according to the dictates of His infallible wisdom, although the reasons of His procedure must necessarily be to us, for the present, inscrutable.

We cannot tell why one dies in infancy, another in childhood, a third in the prime of manly vigor, and a fourth reserved to the period of old age. But suffice it for us, that this happens not by chance, neither is it the result of caprice of carelessness - but flows from that unerring wisdom, whose counsels are formed on a view of all possible relations and consequences. The power of death being in the hands of the Redeemer - the duration of human life is, in every instance, determined by Him. And none, therefore, ought to entertain the thought, either that death is, in one case, unduly premature, or, in another, unduly delayed. None live, either for a longer or for a shorter period, than infinite wisdom has assigned to them. Reason teaches, that to His appointment we must submit, however unwilling - it being irresistible, and far beyond our control. So, as Christians, we should learn to acquiesce in it cheerfully, as the appointment of One who cannot err.

~James Buchanan~

(The End)