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Saturday, December 12, 2020

My Needs - His Fullness!

 My Needs - His Fullness!

All plenitude is in Christ, to answer all the needs of His people. In Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead, that out of His fullness, I may receive all spiritual blessings!

Have I destroyed myself by sin? I have deliverance from Him who is mighty to save from sin and wrath!

Is my life fleeting - and passing away like a shadow? Jesus is the Ancient of days, and endures forevermore!

Are my days short-lived and full of trouble? Jesus is my life, and the joy of my heart!

Am I exposed to contempt? Jesus shall be my crown of glory, and diadem of beauty!

Am I traveling through the wilderness? Jesus is my staff, and on Him I lean all the way!

Am I on my last journey to my long home? Jesus is my leader, and my rewarder!

Am I a sheep? Jesus is my pasture, and my green pasture too!

Am I hungry and thirsty? Jesus is my heavenly manna, and gives me to drink of the water of life!

Am I weary? Jesus is my rest and refreshing! Am I reproached? Jesus will wipe away the reproach of His people! Do I sit in darkness? Jesus is my light! Do I have doubts? Jesus is my counselor! Am I filthy? Jesus is my sanctification! Am I blind? Jesus, and none but He can open the eyes of one born blind! Am I naked? Jesus has white clothing to cover the shame of my nakedness!

Am I exposed to the hurricane of adversity? Jesus is a refuge from the storm, a shelter from the blast, rivers of water in a desert, the shadow of a great rock in a weary land!

Am I in danger from disease and death - or from sin and satan? My life is hidden with Chist in God! When He shall appear, I shall appear with Him - immortal in my body, and glorious in my soul!

Do I suffer in my character? Jesus was numbered with transgressors, called a glutton, a drunkard, and a devil!

Must I undergo death and be laid in the grave? Jesus has taken away the sting of death, and robbed the grave of its victory!

Would I go to God and to glory? Jesus is my way, and must admit me into the palace of the great King, where I shall abide forever!

My needs are many - but His fullness is infinitely more!

The morning dews and fructifying showers water the fields, and refresh the parched furrows. But what are they, compared to the exhaustless ocean of Jesus?

What is all that I enjoy here below, compared to the exuberant fullness of Heavenly bliss? O! then, how shall my soul be replenished - when possessed of this infinite All, through eternity itself!

~James Meikle~

(The End)

Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Bitterness Of Sin!

The Bitterness Of Sin!

"Your ways and your deeds have procured these things unto you! This is your wickedness - it is bitter, because it reaches your heart!" (Jeremiah 4:18).

Sin is the most dark subject that can engage our attention - but we have become so familiar with it, that it scarcely affects us at all. Not so the Lord - He calls it "that abominable thing which He hates." Yes, God hates nothing but sin - and no one, but for sin. God never hated a sinless being - and He never can. If we could get rid of sin, we would have nothing to fear; therefore we bless God that deliverance from sin is promised.

But sin is not only dangerous - it is bitter, and is the prodigious source of all bitterness! Hence the language of the prophet, "It is bitter, because it reaches unto your heart!" (Jeremiah 4:18). It is called the root of bitterness. It may appear pleasant at present, and may taste sweet to the depraved palate of the sinner; but as Joab said of war, "It will be bitterness in the end!" Let us therefore think of:

The bitterness of Sin: Sin is bitter in its NATURE, as it is a departure from God, the giver of all true pleasure; rebellion against God, the righteous ruler, who is pledged to punish it; the degradation of man, who was made in the image of the holy and happy God.

Sin is bitter in its EFFECTS:

Look over the world - all its divisions, confusions, wars, diseases, bloodshed, and cruelties - are but the effects of sin. Look into families - all the anger, envy, jealousy, enmity, and lack of love - are but the effects of sin. Look at individuals - all the sufferings of the body, and all the tortures of the soul; all the sorrows of time, and all the agonies of eternity - are but the fruits of sin. Look at the seeking soul - all his cutting convictions, bitter reflections, stinging remorse, gloomy despondency, and slavish fears - are but the effects of sin. Look at the believer - all his terrible conflicts, deep depression, gloomy foreboding, and soul-distressing fears - are all the effects of sin.

A Reason Assigned: "It reaches unto the heart!" Sin is not a wound in the flesh - but a disease in the heart! There it was conceived, there it is nourished, and from thence it flows.

Sin reaches to the heart - and defies and pollutes it. Sin reaches to the heart - and alienates it from God. Sin reaches to the heart - and distracts it. 

The passions are turbulent. The conscience is defiled. The will is depraved. The understanding is darkened. The memory isa store-house of evil!

Indeed every power and faculty of the soul is injured, perverted, and wrongly influenced - by sin! Sin reaches to the heart - and damns it! 

Reader, see how God speaks of sin, your darling sin, that sin which you now value so highly, and enjoy so much. "It is bitter and reaches to the heart," the seat of life, the source of action.

Our one great business therefore, should be to get rid of sin, and by faith in the Lord Jesus, which purifies the heart; and by the work of the Holy Spirit, which cleanses and sanctifies the nature - we may get rid of it. Holy Spirit, convince us of the bitterness of sin! May it be bitter to our taste, lead us to forsake it in practice, and  seek to be delivered from its love and power in our experience!

~James Smith~

(The End)