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Saturday, May 25, 2019

Nailed to the Doorpost # 2

Nailed to the Doorpost # 2

2. I would be faithful to Christ, because He is Himself so infinitely worthy of my love and service.

Angels, who know Him far better than I can, rejoice to worship Him and to do His bidding. He is a glorious King, riding on to victory, clad in the robe of zeal and righteousness. All power is committed unto Him, and He will reign forever and ever. And His character is as glorious as His kingly majesty. All excellencies meet in Him. There is no grace or virtue which I have ever seen in a fellow-Christian, but shines forth preeminently in Christ.

He is so meek, and gentle, and patient, and forbearing; He is so full of kindness and pity and tender considerateness for the sorrowful and tried; He is so holy and faithful and true; He is so compassionate to the fallen, and so ready to forgive the sinner who comes to Him. All this binds me to Him, and makes me love His service. It is only those who know Him not, who refuse to love and serve Him. Their eyes are blinded that they cannot see the glory that shines forth from Him. But He has manifested Himself to me. He has sent me His Spirit, and enabled me to discern a few rays of His glory, as the eternal Son of God and as the lowly Son of Mary. Therefore I abide with Him.

When the Queen of Sheba had seen the royal state of King Solomon, and heard his wisdom, she could exclaim, "Happy are these servants, who stand continually before you!" (1 Kings 10). But far happier am I to stand before the King of Heaven. Great is my privilege, to be permitted to serve Him whom all the inhabitants of Heaven worship and adore.

3. I will cleave to Christ, because He has shown me such constant tokens of His loving-kindness.

The Jewish servant would be drawn to his master; if he could look back on a long course of tender considerations; if he had received year after year fresh proofs of his master's thoughtful affection - he would be reluctant to leave one who had thus dealt with him. But what shall I say to the Master's goodness to me?

Has He not laid down His life for my sake, as a sacrifice for my sin? I hear His voice pleading with me, "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

Has He not broken the hard tyranny of the Prince of Darkness?

Has He not set me free from the yoke of evil?

Has He not forgiven me ten thousand times ten thousand sins?

Has He not wrapped me around with His beauteous white robe of righteousness?

Has He not given me sure and precious promises on which I may ever rely?

Has He not brought me graciously through many a gloomy valley of trouble?

Has He not restored me when I fell?

Has He not heard my feeble cry of distress when I knew not where I could turn?

And for all these tokens of His love, shall I not praise Him, and serve Him more and more?

Centuries ago, the aged Polycarp, when asked to blaspheme the name of Christ or else suffer a cruel death, exclaimed, "Eighty-six years have I served Christ, and He has done me nothing but good - how shall I, then, blaspheme my Lord and Master?"

Another, in later days, General Havelock, could say, "More than thirty years I have served Christ, and no man ever had so good a Master, or so kind a friend."

And I can take up the same strain. Every year has proved His mercy and His grace - hence I will cleave to Him still. "O Lord, truly I am Your servant ... You have broken my bonds...What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord!"

4. I will cleave to Christ, because the service itself is such a blessed and joyful one.

When the subjects of Rehoboam sought of him a lightening of their burdens, he answered them roughly: "My father made your yoke heavy - but I will add to your yoke. My father chastised you with whips - but I will chastise you with scorpions." No wonder, hearing such words, that they forsook him, and sought one who would offer an easier service.

~George Everard~

(continued with # 3)

The Sacred Import of the Christian Name # 7

The Sacred Import of the Christian Name # 7

Secondly, Hence you may see that, if all the professors of Christianity should behave in character, the religion of Christ would soon appear divine to all mankind, and spread through all nations of the earth. Were Christianity exhibited to the life - in all its native inherent glories, it would be as needless to offer arguments to prove it divine, as to prove that the sun is full of light; the conviction would flash upon all mankind by its own intrinsic evidence.

Did Christians exemplify the religion they profess - all the world would immediately see that that religion which rendered them so different a people from all the rest of mankind - is indeed divine, and every way worthy of universal acceptance. Then would Heathenism, Mohammedanism, and all the false religions in the world, fall before the heaven-born religion of Jesus Christ. Then it would be sufficient to convince an infidel - just to bring him into a Christian country, and let him observe how different things are there - from all the world beside. But alas!

Thirdly, How different is the Christian world - from the Christian religion! Who would imagine that those who take their name from Christ - have any relation to Him, if we observe their spirit and practice?

Should a stranger learn Christianity from what he sees in Popish countries - he would conclude that it principally consisted in bodily austerities, in worshiping saints, images, relics, and a thousand trifles, in theatrical fopperies and insignificant ceremonies, in believing implicitly all the determinations of a fallible man as infallibly true, and in persecuting all that differ from them, and showing their love to their souls - by burning their bodies.

In Protestant countries, alas! the face of things is but little better as to good morals and practical religion. Let us take our own country for a sample. Suppose a heathen or Mohammedan should take a tour through Virginia to learn religion of the inhabitants from their general conduct. What would he conclude? Would he not conclude that all the religion of the generality consisted in a few Sunday formalities, and that the rest of the week they had nothing to do with God, or any religion - but were at liberty to live as they please?

And were he told these were the followers of one Christ, and were of Christ's religion, would he not conclude that Christ was certainly an impostor, and the minister of sin?

But when he came to find that, notwithstanding all this licentiousness, they professed the pure and holy religion of the Bible - how would he be astonished, and pronounce them the most inconsistent, bare-faced hypocrites! 

My friends! Great and heavy is the guilt that lies upon our country upon this account. It is a scandal to the Christian name; it is guilty of confirming the neighboring heathen in their prejudices, and hinders the propagation of Christianity through the world. Oh let not us be accessory to this dreadful guilt - but do all we can to recommend our religion to universal acceptance! I add,

Fourthly, and lastly, Let us examine whether WE have any just entitlement to the Christian name; that is, whether we are Christians indeed; for if we have not the thing, to retain the name - is the most inconsistent folly and hypocrisy, and will answer no end but to aggravate our condemnation! A lost 'professing Christian' is the most shocking character in hell! And unless you are such Christians as I have described - it will before long be your character!

Therefore, be followers of Christ, imbibe His spirit, practice His precepts, and depart from iniquity. Otherwise He will sentence you from Him at last - as workers of iniquity. "And then will profess unto them" (these are Christ's own words!) "I never knew you; depart from Me, you who work iniquity!" (Matthew 7:23.

~Samuel Davies~

(The End)

Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Sacred Import of the Christian Name # 6

The Sacred Import of the Christian Name # 6

In regard to Himself - He was patient and resigned - and yet undaunted and brave under sufferings. He had all His appetites and passions under proper government. He was heavenly-minded, above this world in heart - while He dwelt in it.

This is an imperfect sketch of His amiable character; and in these things every one who deserves to be called after His name, does in some measure resemble and imitate Him. This is not only His earnest endeavor - but what he actually attains, though in a much inferior degree; and his imperfections are the grief of his heart.

This resemblance and imitation of Christ is essential to the very being of a Christian, and without it, all profession is a vain pretense!

Does your Christianity, my friends, stand this test? may one know that you belong to Christ - by your living like Him, and manifesting the same temper and spirit? Does the temper of the divine Master spread through all his family; and do you show that you belong to it by your temper and conduct? Alas! if you must be denominated from hence, would not some of you with more propriety be called Epicureans from Epicurus, the sensual atheistic philosopher; or mammonites from Mammon, the imaginary god of riches; or Bacchanals from Bacchus, the god of wine; rather than Christians from Christ, the most perfect pattern of living holiness and virtue that ever was exhibited in the world!

If you claim the name of Christians, were is that ardent devotion, that affectionate love to God, that zeal for His glory, that alacrity in His service, that resignation to His will, that generous benevolence to mankind, that zeal to promote their best interests, that meekness and forbearance under ill usage, that unwearied activity in doing good to all, that self-denial and heavenly-mindedness which shone so conspicuous in Christ, whose holy name you bear?

Alas! while you are destitute of those graces - and yet wear His name - you only mock it, and turn it into a reproach both to Him and yourselves.

I might add, that the Christian name is not hereditary to you by your natural birth - but you must be born anew by the Spirit to entitle you to this new name.

Every Christian is also a believer; believing in Him whom he calls His only Saviour and Lord.

Every Christian is also a true penitent. Repentance was incompatible with Christ's character, who was perfectly righteous, and had no sin of which to repent. But it is  a proper virtue in a sinner, without which he cannot be a Christian.

On these and several other particulars, I might enlarge - but my time will not allow; I shall therefore conclude with a few practical reflections.

First, You may hence see that the Christian character is the highest, the most excellent and sublime in the world; it includes everything truly great and amiable. The Christian has exalted sentiments of the Supreme Being, just notions of duty, and a proper temper and conduct towards God and man.

A Christian is a devout worshiper of the God of heaven, a cheerful observer of His whole law, and a broken-hearted penitent for his imperfections.

A Christian is a compilation of all the amiable and useful graces and virtues; temperate and sober, just, liberal, compassionate and benevolent, humble, meek, gentle, peaceable, and in all things conscientious.

A Christian is a good parent, a good child, a good master, a good servant, a good husband, a good wife, a faithful friend, an obliging neighbor, a dutiful subject, a good ruler, and an honest citizen. And as far as he is such, so far, and no further - he is a Christian.

And can there be a more amiable and excellent character exhibited to your view? It is an angelic, a divine character. Let it be your glory and you ambition to wear it with a good grace, to wear it so as to adorn it. To acquire the title of kings and princes, is not in your power. To spread your fame as scholars, philosophers, or heroes, may be beyond your reach. But here is a character more excellent, more amiable, more honorable than all these, which it is your business to deserve and maintain.

And blessed be God, this is a dignity which the lowest among you, which beggars and slaves may truly attain to. Let this therefore be an object of universal ambition and pursuit, and let every other name and title be despised in comparison of it. This is the way to rise to true honor in the estimate of God, angels, and holy men. What though the pseudo-Christians of our age and country ridicule you? Let them consider their own absurd conduct and be ashamed. They think it an honor to wear the Christian name - and yet persist in unchristian practices; and who but a fool, with such palpable contradiction, would think so? A beggar who imagines himself a king and trails his rags with majesty, as though they were royal robes - is not so ridiculous as one that will usurp the Christian name without a Christian practice! And yet such 'Christians' are the favorites of the world. To them - to renounce the profession of Christianity is barbarous and profane; but to live according to that profession, and practice Christianity, is preciseness and fanaticism!

Can anything be more preposterous? This is as if one should ridicule learning - and yet glory in the character of a scholar! And are they fit to judge of the wisdom and propriety; or their censures to be regarded - who fall into such an absurdity themselves?

~Samuel Davies~

(continued  with # 7)

Nailed to the Doorpost! # 1

Nailed to the Doorpost # 1

There is a blessing prepared for those who are faithful as doorkeepers in the Lord's house. Hence a king could once say, "I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness" (Psalm 84:10). There is a blessing prepared for those who wait at God's door, to learn of Him, and to do His bidding. Hence it is written of Him, the true wisdom: "Blessed is the man that hears Me, watching daily at My gates, waiting at the posts of My doors" (Proverbs 8:34).

But there is a blessing still greater, it seems to me, for those who are "nailed to Christ's doorpost." The expression tells of steadfast, firm, unshaken allegiance and devotedness to Christ.

In the year of release among the Jews, whoever would, might leave the service of his master. He was free to go out wherever he would. But the choice was given him - he might stay if he chose to do so. Perchance he loved his master and his service, and was happier with him than he could be elsewhere; perchance he felt that liberty would be a poor exchange for the quietness and peace and comfort he enjoyed beneath his master's roof. It might be also that he had other ties. He might have wife and children, who were regarded as his master's property. But for whatever cause, if he desired it, he might give himself forever to remain faithful to his master. In this case there was a peculiar ceremony. He must openly declare his purpose. He must say plainly, "I love my master, my wife, and my children. I will not go free. Then his master must take him before the judges. He shall take him to the door or the doorpost and pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be his servant for life" (Exodus 21:5-6). Thus was the servant "nailed to the doorpost" in token of everlasting fidelity. He would cleave to his master in faithfulness and love. He would be true to him, even to the end, and never forsake the home and the service which he loved.

I know not how many availed themselves of this provision, perhaps not very many. There are too many causes of unpleasantness, even in the happiest home; so that it is not likely many were willing so completely to yield themselves to any earthly master.

But I take it as an illustration of the spirit of the true-hearted Christian. He is nailed to the doorpost; he is given up forever to be Christ's. His great desire is to be faithful unto death. He desires to be bound, hand and foot, with the cords and bands of Christ's love. His heart is fixed. His mind is set on bearing the yoke and carrying the burden of Him who loved him.

Whoever may tempt him to turn aside, whoever may wish to allure to a false liberty, to go forth into the world's highway unshackled by the gentle restraints of Christ - he hearkens not, nor consents. His choice is made. He is firm as a rock; he has set his face like a flint. To every temptation, to every one who would beguile him, he says plainly, "I love my Master; I will not go out free!"

I will state a few reasons which the Christian gives for this determination. I trust that they express the secret musings and resolves of many who read this paper. I trust they may stir up the pure mind of many believers by way of remembrance, and thus strengthen their hands in God. Yes, and I will pray that they may awaken some readers to see the blessedness of Christ's service, and thus lead them, through the Spirit's grace, to choose that good part which shall not be taken from them. "I love my Master...I will not go out free!"

1. If I cast off the yoke of Christ, to what better master can I go? I must have one master or another; man cannot be independent. But where shall I find a better master than Christ? I look all around this cold world - I look above, beneath - and if I forsake Christ, I may well ask, "To whom shall I go?"

"Where, ah, where shall I go -
A wretched wanderer from my Lord?
Can this dark world of sin and woe
One glimpse of happiness afford?"

Shall I take the prince of darkness as my master? What is he but a "liar" and a "murderer!" (John 8:44). Does he not first deceive - and then destroy the souls of all who serve him? I remember one whom he persuaded to forsake Christ for a few pieces of silver; but the money burnt into his very soul, and he was obliged to cast it away, and in terrible remorse for his apostasy, he went out and destroyed himself.

Shall I take sin for my master? But the wages are unrest, and shame and sorrow here - and death and damnation hereafter.

Shall I choose the world, and hearken to its alluring and enticing voice? Shall I make a God of money, or business, or high position, or human praise, or anything else it may offer me? I may know beforehand what the outcome will be.

I have read of one who had a motto engraved on a ring, which he would look at as a word of guidance both in prosperity and adversity: "And this too, shall pass away!" Ah, so it will be with all I might gain! Oftentimes disappointment would blight the fairest prospect; and however bright for a season it might be, it could but prove as a summer's day, soon to be followed by the chilling winds and storms of autumn.

No, no! I can find no better master than Christ - and to Him will I cleave. satan and sin, the world and the flesh - can give me nothing satisfying, nothing abiding. But all I need is in Jesus. "I love my Master...I will not go out free!"

~George Everard~

(continued with # 2)

Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Sacred Import of the Christian Name # 5

The Sacred Import of the Christian Name # 5

Alexander the Great had a fellow in his army who had his same name - but was a mere coward. "Either be like me," said Alexander to him, "or lay aside my name!"

You servants of sin, it is in vain for you to wear the name of Christ! It renders you the more ridiculous, and only aggravates your guilt! You may with as much propriety call yourselves "princes" or "kings", as "Christians," while you are so unlike to Christ! You are a scandal to His precious Name! His Name is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you.

2. To be a Christian - is to deny yourselves and take up the cross and follow Christ. These are the terms of discipleship fixed by Christ Himself. He said to them all, "If any man will come after Me - let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." (Luke 9:23).

To deny ourselves, is to abstain from the pleasures of sin, to moderate our sensual appetites, to deny our own interest for the sake of Christ. In short, it is to sacrifice everything inconsistent with our duty to Him, when these come in competition.

To take up our cross, is to bear sufferings, to encounter difficulties, and break through them all - in imitation of Jesus Christ, and for His sake.

To follow Christ, is to trace His steps, and imitate His example, whatever the cost to us.

But this observation will coincide with the next head, and therefore I now dismiss it. These, sirs, and these only, are the terms, if you would be Christians, or the disciples of Christ. He honestly warned people of these terms when He first called them to be His disciples. He did not take advantage of them - but let them know beforehand upon what terms they were admitted. "Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them He said: "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own life - he cannot be My disciple. And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow Me, cannot be My disciple!" (Luke 14:25-27).

By "hating" is meant a smaller degree of love, or a comparative hatred. That is, if we would be Christ's disciples, we must be willing to part with our dearest relations, and even our lives, when we cannot retain them consistently with our duty to Him.

He goes on: "And anyone who does not carry his cross," and encounter the greatest sufferings after My example, "cannot be My disciple." The love of Christ is the ruling passion of every true Christian, and for his sake he is ready to give up all, and to allow all that earth or hell can inflict. He must run all risks, and cleave to Christ's cause at all hazards.

This is the essential character of every true Christian. What then shall we think of those crowds among us, who retain the Christian name - and yet will not deny themselves of their sensual pleasures, nor part with their temporal interest, for the sake of Christ? Who are so far from being willing to lay down their lives, that they cannot stand the force of a laugh or a sneer in the cause of Christ - but immediately stumble and fall away?

Are they Christians, whom the commands of Christ cannot restrain from what their depraved hearts desire? No!  A Christian, without self-denial, mortification, and a supreme love to Jesus Christ, is as great a contradiction as fire without heat, or a sun without light, a hero without courage, or a friend without love!

Does not this strip some of you of the Christian name, and prove that you have no right at all to it?

3. A true Christian must be a follower or imitator of Christ. "Be followers of me," says Paul, "as I also am of Christ." (1 Cor. 11:1). Christ is the model after whom every Christian is formed; for, says Peter, "He left us an example - that we should follow His steps!" (1 Peter 2:21). Paul tells us, that we must be conformed to the image of God's dear Son, (Romans 8:29); and that the same mind must be in us - which was also in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 2:5). Unless we partake of His Spirit, and resemble Him in practice; unless we are as He was in the world - we have no right to partake of His Name!

Here I would observe, that whatever was miraculous in our Lord's conduct, and peculiar to Him as the Son of God and Mediator, is not a pattern for our imitation - but only what was done in obedience to that law of God which was common to Him and us.

Christ's heart glowed with love to His Father! He delighted in universal obedience to Him; it was His food and drink to do His will, even in the most painful and self-denying instances! He abounded in devotion, in prayer, meditation and every pious duty.

He was also full of every grace and virtue towards mankind! He was meek and humble, kind and benevolent, just and charitable, merciful and compassionate towards all. Beneficence to the souls and bodies of men was the business of His life; for He went about doing good. (Acts 10:38).

~Samuel Davies~

(continued with # 6)

The Sacred Import of the Christian Name # 4

The Sacred Import of the Christian Name # 4

"What is it to be a Christian?"

To be a Christian, in the popular and fashionable sense, is no really difficult or excellent thing. It is to be baptized, to profess the Christian religion; to believe, like our neighbors, that Christ is the Messiah, and to attend upon public worship once a week, in some church or another. In this sense a man may be a Christian - and yet be habitually careless about eternal things. He may be a Christian - and yet fall short of the morality of many of the heathen. He may be a Christian - and yet a drunkard, a swearer, or a slave to some vice or other. He may be a Christian - and yet a willful, impenitent offender against God and man. To be a Christian in this sense - is no high character; and, if this be the whole of Christianity, it is very little matter whether the world is Christianized or not.

But is this to be a Christian - in the original and proper sense of the word? No! that is something of a very different and superior kind. To be a Christian indeed - is the highest character and dignity of which the human nature is capable! It is the most excellent thing that ever adorned our world! It is a thing that heaven itself beholds with approbation and delight! 

To be a Christian indeed - is to be like Christ, from whom the name is taken!

To be a Christian indeed - is to be a follower and imitator of Christ!

To be a Christian indeed - is to have Christ's Spirit and temper; and to live as He lived in the world!

To be a Christian is to have those just, exalted, and divine beliefs of God and divine things; and that just and full view of our duty to God and man, which Christ taught. In short, our character and practice, formed upon the sacred model of the gospel. Let me expatiate a little upon this amiable character.

1. To be a Christian - is to depart from iniquity. To this the name obliges us; and without this we have no right to the name. "Let every one who names the name of Christ - depart from iniquity" (2 Timothy 2:19). That is, let him depart from iniquity - or not even dare to take that sacred name. Christ was perfectly free from sin: he was holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners." His followers also shall be perfectly free from sin - in a little time! Before long they will enter into the pure regions of perfect holiness, and will drop all their sins, along with their mortal bodies - into the grave! But this, alas! is not their character in the present state - but the remains of sin still cleave to them. Yet even in the present state, they are laboring after perfection in holiness. Nothing can satisfy them - until they are fully conformed to the image of God's dear Son!

They are hourly conflicting with every temptation, and vigorously resisting every iniquity in its most alluring forms. And, though sin is perpetually struggling for the mastery, and sometimes, in an inadvertent hour, gets an advantage over them - yet, as they are not under the law - but under grace, they are assisted with divine grace, so that no sin has any habitual dominion over them (Romans 6:14).

Hence they are free from the gross vices of the age, and are men of good morals. This is their habitual, universal character; and to pretend to be Christians without this prerequisite, is the greatest absurdity!

What then shall we think of the drunken, swearing, debauched, defrauding, worldly, profligate, profane "Christians", who have overrun the Christian world? Can there be a greater contradiction?

A loyal subject in arms against his sovereign; an ignorant scholar; a sober drunkard, a charitable miser; an honest thief - are not greater absurdities, or more direct contradictions!

To depart from iniquity - is essential to Christianity, and without it there can be no such thing as a Christian! 

There was nothing that Christ was so remote from - as sin! And therefore, for those that indulge themselves in sin - and yet to wear His name - is just as absurd and ridiculous as for a coward to denominate himself a great hero; or an illiterate dunce to call himself a university professor!

Therefore, if you will not renounce iniquity - then renounce the Christian name! You cannot consistently retain both!

~Samuel Davies~

(continued with # 5)

Saturday, May 4, 2019

The Sacred Import of the Christian Name # 3

The Sacred Import of the Christian Name # 3

And yet how common is this unloving spirit among all denominations! and what mischief has it done in the world! Hence proceed contentions and animosities, uncharitable suspicions and censures, slander and detraction, partiality and unreasonable prejudices, and a hideous group of evils, which I cannot not describe!

This spirit also hinders the progress of serious practical religion, by turning the attention of men from the great concerns of eternity, and the essentials of Christianity - to vain jangling and disputes about non-essentials and trifles. Thus the Christian is swallowed up in the partisan, and the fundamentals lost in non-essentials. My brethren, I would now warn you against this wretched, mischievous spirit of denominationalism.

I would not have you entirely undetermined even about the smaller points of religion, the modes and forms, which are the matters of contention between different churches; nor would I have you quite indifferent what particular church to join with in stated communion. Endeavor to find out the truth even in these non-essentials, at least so far as is necessary for the direction of your own conduct. But do not make these non-essentials, the whole or the principal part of your religion. Do not be excessively zealous about them, nor break the peace of the church by magisterially imposing them upon others. Have you definite beliefs in these little disputables? It is well; "but have it to yourself before God," and do not disturb others with it!

You may, if you please, call yourselves Presbyterians and Dissenters, etc.; but a Christian! a Christian! let that be your highest distinction; let that be the name which you labor to deserve! God forbid that my attention should be the occasion of diverting your attention to anything else! But I am so happy that I can appeal to yourselves, whether I have during several years of my ministry among you, labored to instill into you the principles of bigotry, and make you zealous proselytes to a denomination; or whether it has not been the great object of my zeal - to inculcate upon you the grand essentials of our holy religion, and make you sincere, practical Christians. Alas! my dear people unless I succeed in this, I labor to very little purpose, though I should presbyterianize the whole colony of Virginia!

But some of you may hear strange surmises, wild conjectures, and most dismal insinuations about me. And if you would know the truth at once, if you would be fully informed by one that best knows what religion I hold to - then I myself will plainly tell you: "I am a Christian, a mere Christian! I have no other religion! My church is the Christian church. The Bible! the Bible is my religion! And if I am a dissenter, I dissent only from modes and forms of religion which I cannot find in my Bible; and which therefore have nothing to do with religion, much less should they be made terms of Christian communion, since Christ, the only lawgiver of His church, has He not made them such! Let this congregation be that of a Christian assembly, and I little care what other name it wears. Let it be a little Antioch, where the followers of Christ shall be distinguished by their old common name, "Christians!" To bear and deserve this character, let this be our ambition, and this our labor. Let popes pronounce, and councils decree what they please; let statesmen and ecclesiastics prescribe what to believe; as for us, let us study our Bibles - let us learn of Christ; and if we are not dignified with the smiles, or enriched with the emoluments of a denomination - we shall have His approbation, who is the only Lord and Sovereign of the realm of conscience, and by whose judgment we must stand or fall forever!"

But it is time for me to proceed to consider the other view of the Christian name, on which I intend principally to insist; and that is, 

II. As a name of OBLIGATION upon all who bear it - to be Christians indeed, and to form their temper and practice upon the sacred model of Biblical Christianity. The prosecution of this subject will lead me to answer this important inquiry, "What is it to be a Christian?"

~Samuel Davies~

(continued with # 4)

The Sacred Import of the Christian Name # 2

The Sacred Import of the Christian Name # 2

It is but a due honor to Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, that all who profess His religion should wear His name alone. They pay an extravagant and even idolatrous compliment to His subordinate officers and ministers, when they take their denomination from them! Had this evil attitude prevailed in the primitive church, instead of the common name "Christians", there would have been as many party-names as there were apostles or eminent ministers! 

Paul took pains to crush the first risings of this party spirit in those churches which he planted; particularly in Corinth, where it most prevailed. While they were saying, "I am of Paul; and I am of Apollos; and I am of Cephas; and I am of Christ!" Paul puts this pungent question to them: "Is Christ divided?" Are His servants the ringleaders of so many parties? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in or into the name of Paul - that you should be so fond to take your name from him!

Paul counted it a happiness that providence had directed him to such a conduct as gave no umbrage of encouragement to such an evil attitude. "I thank God," says he, "that I baptized none of you - but Crispus and Gaius: lest any should say, that I baptized in my own name, and was merely gathering a party for myself." (1 Cor. 1:12-15).

But alas! how little has this convicting reasoning of the apostle Paul - been regarded in the future ages of the church! What an endless variety of denominations have been derived from some leading men, or from some little theological peculiarities! What "denominations" have prevailed in the Christian world, and crumbled it to pieces, while the Christian name is hardly regarded!

Not to take notice of Jesuits, Jansenites, Dominicans, Franciscans, and other denominations and orders in the popish church, where having corrupted the whole Christian system - they act very consistently to lay aside the name.

But what party names have been adopted by the Protestant churches, whose religion is substantially the same common Christianity, and who agree in much more important articles - than in those in which they differ; and who therefore might peaceably unite under the common name of Christians! We have Lutherans, Calvinists, Armenians, Methodists, Churchmen, Presbyterians, Independents, Baptists - and a long list of names which I cannot now enumerate!

To be a Christian now is not enough - but a man must also be something more and better! That is, he must be an active bigot to this or that particular denomination. But where is the reason or propriety of all this? I may indeed believe the same things which Luther or Calvin believed - but I do not believe them on the authority of Luther or Calvin - but upon the sole authority of Jesus Christ, and therefore I should not call myself by their name, as one of their disciples - but by the name of Christ, whom alone I acknowledge as the Author of my religion, and my only Master and Lord!

If I learn my religion from one of these great men - then it is indeed proper that I should assume their name. If I learn it from an assembly of men, and make their beliefs the rule and ground of my faith - then it is enough for me to be of their religion, be that what it may then, with propriety be called a mere conformist; for that is my highest character! But I cannot be properly called a Christian - for a Christian learns his religion, not from an assembly of men, or from the determinations of councils - but from Jesus Christ and His Gospel!

To guard against mistakes on this head, I would observe that every man has a natural and legal right to judge and choose for himself in matters of religion; and that is a foolish person indeed, who unthinkingly accepts the teachings of any man, or body of men upon earth - whether pope, king, parliament, convocation, or synod.

Yet, in the exercise of this right and searching for himself, a serious person will find that he agrees more fully in lesser as well as more important articles - with some particular church than others; and thereupon it is his duty to join in stated communion with that particular church. And he may, if he pleases, assume the name which that church wears, by way of distinction from others; this is not what I condemn.

But for me to glory in the denomination of any particular church as my highest character; to lay more stress upon the name of a Presbyterian or a Churchman, than on the sacred name of Christian; to make a punctilious agreement with my sentiments in the little peculiarities of a certain church party - the test of all religion; to make it the object of my zeal to gain proselytes to some other name, than the Christian name; to connive at the faults of those of my own party, and to be blind to the good qualities of other churches; or invidiously to misrepresent or diminish them - these are the things which deserve universal condemnation from God and man! These proceed from a spirit of bigotry and faction - directly opposite to the generous universal spirit of Christianity, and subversive of it! 

~Samuel Davies~

(continued with # 3)