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Friday, August 7, 2015

God's Kind of Love

"He that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him" (John 14:21)

God, being Himself God, an uncreated being, deriving from no one, owing nothing to anybody, must necessarily be the fountain of all the love there is! That is why I say that as our God, He must love Himself forever with pure and perfect love.

This kind of love, God's love, holy and blameless - this is the love which the three Persons of the Godhead feel and hold for one another. The Father to the Son; the Son to the Father; the Father and Son to the Spirit; the Spirit to the Father and Son - the divine Trinity in perfect and blameless and proper love; loving one another with a holy, poured out devotion! The Trinity's three fountains, eternal, infinite, pouring without measure into each other from the bottomless, boundless, shoreless sea of perfect love and bliss.

God being who and what He is, is Himself the only being that He can love directly. Everything else and everyone else that God loves, He loves for His own sake.

God loved us because of something in Himself, and so if Christ is dwelling in us, we will love because of the Christ within us.


He Gives ... And Keeps

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23)

As humans, we are aware that if we give something away, we give it up for the time it is away from us. But God lends without giving anything up. God gives you life but He is still the life He gives you so He loses nothing by giving it to you.

So with everything else, God is power, but when He gives you power He does not give His power away. He gives wisdom, but He does not lose it when He gives it. He gives grace, but He does not part with His grace. He keeps it while He give it because it is Himself that He gives.

So it is with everything - wisdom, being, power, holiness and every quality God bestows upon men. God is constantly giving of Himself to us, because God is life!

Life is sacred. There is a great truth involved here for human beings - for eternal life can best be described as having God in the soul!

Salvation is a stream of grace that flows to men from the foundation of the Father's love. We have done nothing to deserve it. It is the gift of God's love.

~A. W. Tozer~

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