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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Dealing with the Root

"Lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled" (Hebrews 12:15)

Strange as it may seem, harmony within our own hearts depends mostly upon our getting into harmony with God. Morning comes not by our pushing out the darkness but by waiting for the coming of the sun.

Church difficulties are spiritual also and admit of a spiritual answer. Whatever may be wrong in the life of any church may be cleared up by recognizing the quality of the trouble and dealing with it at the root.

Prayer, humility and a generous application of the Spirit of Christ will cure just about any disease in the body of believers. Yet this is usually the last thing we think about when difficulties arise. We often attempt to cure spiritual ills with carnal medicines, and the results are more than disappointing.

What God wants today in His Church and in His work is not so much that the world shall see the power of the Church as the power of her Lord and the presence of Him who goes forth with His weakest servants and becomes their mighty Victor.

~A. W. Tozer~

Reaping Follows Sowing

"Good understanding giveth favor: but the way of transgressors is hard." (Proverbs 13:15)

We may sow to the flesh if we will. There will be no interference from above. Thus to sow is our privilege - if we want to reap the harvest of corruption which must inevitably follow, a harvest no man in his right mind could deliberately choose.

No, the snare lies in choosing the pleasures of sowing with the secret hope that in some way we can escape the sorrows of the reaping; but never since the beginning of the world has it been possible to separate the one from the other.

The way to deal with a law of God is to work along with it. By faith and obedience we can put every divine law to work for us. And the law of sowing and reaping may be brought to our service and made to toil for our everlasting good.

 So kind is God and so thoughtful of His creatures.

Disobedience always leads to danger. The way of wrong is the way of peril; the way of transgressors is hard. God has said so, and you can never make it otherwise.

~A. W. Tozer~

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