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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Holy Spirit Acts Like Jesus

"God, who is rich in mercy... even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ" (Ephesians 2:4-5)

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of life and light and love. In His uncreated nature He is a boundless sea of fire, flowing, moving ever, performing as He moves the eternal purposes of God.

Toward nature He performs one sort of work, toward the world another and toward the Church still another. And every act of His accords with the will of the Triune God. Never does He act on impulse nor move after a quick or arbitrary decision.

Since He is the Spirit of the Father He feels toward His people exactly as the Father feels, so there is no need be on our part no sense of strangeness in His presence. He will always act like Jesus, toward sinners in warm affection, toward human suffering in tenderest pity and love.

What Christ did for us on the Cross, the Spirit must do in us as a personal experience.

He has offered us Himself as the life and power to be obedient and to be holy, and nothing less than his own perfect example should ever satisfy our holy ambition!

~A. W. Tozer~


The Result of Revival

"I am the Almighty God, walk before me, and be thou perfect ... And Abram fell on his face and God talked with him" (Genesis 17:1, 3)

What happens in a Christian church when a fresh and vital working of the Spirit of God brings revival?

In my study and observations, a revival generally results in a sudden bestowment of a spirit of worship. This is not the result of engineering or of manipulation. It is something God bestows on people hungering and thirsting for Him. With spiritual renewing will come a blessed spirit of loving worship.

These believers worship gladly because they have a high view of God. In some circles, God has been abridged, reduced, modified, edited, changed and amended until He is no longer the God whom Isaiah saw, high and lifted up. Because He has been reduced in the minds of so many people, we no longer have that boundless confidence in His character that we used to have.

The one mark which forever distinguishes man from all other forms of life on earth is that he is a worshiper; he has a bent toward and a capacity for worship.

~A. W. Tozer~

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