God Sets No Limit (and others)
"Let no man deceive you with vain words" (Ephesians 5:6)
Do you know that there are Bible "interpreters" now who believe they can set up rules as to how much we can have of God? However, the Lord Himself has promised that as far as He is concerned, He is willing to keep the candles of my soul brightly burning!
So, my heart tells me to ignore the modern scribes whose interpretations, I fear, are forcing the Spirit, the blessed Dove, to fold His wings and be silent. I turn rather to one of Dr. A.B. Simpson's hymns rarely sung now, probably because very few believers have this experience of which he wrote:
I take the hand of love divine,
I count each precious promise mine
With this eternal countersign -
I take - He under takes!
I take Thee, blessed Lord,
I give myself to Thee;
And Thou, according to Thy Word
Dost undertake for me!
Lord, fill me anew with Your precious Spirit. I pray that others will see You living in me today. Amen
~A. W. Tozer~
Explore God's Word
"Thy word have I hid in mine heart" (Psalm 119:11)
What a strange paradox! The atheistic freethinker rants and raves about the Bible being a "dangerous" book at the very same time that the Word of God is speaking like to my soul!
Strange indeed that some humans have the idea that the Word of God can only be approached with shivering fears. But that is true only of those who love their sin and hate their Saviour.
The blessed truth is that if I have my sin and love my Saviour, the Word of God is a wonderful revelation, indeed, and a trustworthy guide.
We need to be aware always that if we do not keep the Word of God on our side, we will be miserable in our souls continually. It is up to us. What do we sincerely will to do with God and His revealed Word?
Years ago, the saintly George Mueller said he had read the Bible hundreds of times, and then he added: "with meditation!"
Let us see to it that we read the Word. More than that, we should actually explore it!
Thank You, Lord, for giving us Your Word. I pray that it will not only illuminate my own heart, but I pray for those translating the Word into other languages so that it will illumine theirs as well. Amen
~A. W. Tozer~
Faith And Obedience
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13)
What is our answer to the many confused persons who keep asking: "How can we know that we have come into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ?"
First, we stand together on the basic truth that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. A second fact is that men and women are saved by faith in Christ alone, without works and without our merit.
However, the fact that Christ came to save sinners is not enough - that fact in itself cannot save us. Now in our day, the issues of believing faith and the gift of eternal life are clouded and confused by an "easy acceptance" that has been fatal to millions who may have stopped short in matters of faith and obedience.
Faith is believing and receiving, as in Acts 16:31: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved"; and as in John 1:12: "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name."
I praise You, Lord, for accomplishing the mission for which You came to this earth. I pray today for my family members and coworkers who have not put their faith in You. Bring them to Yourself, Father. Amen
~A. W. Tozer~
Salvation's Price
"But without faith it is impossible to please Him" (Hebrews 11:6)
Too many Christian leaders, acting like enthusiastic promoters, are teaching that the essence of faith is this: "Come to Jesus - it will cost you nothing!"
The price has all been paid - "It will cost you nothing!"
Brethren, that is a dangerous half-truth. There is always a price connected with salvation and with discipleship.
God's grace is free, no doubt about that. No one in the wide world can make any human payment toward the plan of salvation or the forgiveness of sins.
I take issue on Bible grounds with the statement that "everyone in the world has faith - all you have to do is turn your faith loose."
That is truly a misconception of what the Bible teaches about men and God and faith. Actually, faith is a rare and wonderful plant that lives and grows only in the penitent soul.
The teaching that everyone has faith is simply a form of humanism in the guise of Christianity. I warn you that any faith that belongs to everybody is not the faith that saves. It is not that faith which is a gift of God to the broken and contrite heart!
Lord, I praise You for extending Your grace so freely to me. I repent of any sins I have committed, both knowingly and unknowingly. Help my faith in You to grow today. Amen
~A. W. Tozer~
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