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Saturday, November 9, 2019

Redeeming Love! # 2

Redeeming Love! # 2

"He gave Himself!" The love of Jesus is unparalleled. Out of pure love to us who had no love to Him, nor ever would have had - but for His first loving us! He gave, not only His time, His labor, His wealth - but Himself! He gave His entire person as the God-man, the incarnate Jehovah!

"He gave Himself!" This was more than as if He had given a thousand worlds - for these He could create with a Word!

"He gave Himself," and not merely to live for us, or labor for us - but even to die for us!

"He gave Himself," and not even to die some easy and honorable death - but the most painful, shameful death, that man ever invented, or creature every suffered!

O wondrous love!

O Jesus, never, never was there love like Yours!

Note, the special object that Jesus had in view. "That He might redeem us" - by a price, which no one but Himself could pay - that He might satisfy all the demands of law and justice, acquire a peculiar right to us, and so honorably, deliver us from every foe, rescue us from all that is degrading, and exalt us to the highest honor.

Jesus would have us to be peculiarly His own, "His own peculiar people," which indicates peculiar love, and displays peculiar grace.

Observe, the parties redeemed: Those who were the vilest of His creatures - but who being claimed for Him, by His Holy Spirit - became a peculiar people, zealously endeavoring to do just what pleases Him, and all that pleases Him.

They are brought to have a peculiar knowledge of Him - which leads them to be peculiarly zealous in endeavoring to please Him.

See, the claim He has to, and upon His people. A more just claim to them - He could not have, seeing He has given His life, His all - to possess them! A greater claim He could not have upon them, seeing He has redeemed them from death, ransomed them from hell, and purchased them in order to make them holy,. honorable, and happy forever.

Notice then, what He expects from them. He expects zealous obedience. He expects that His Word be studied, that His will be consulted, and that His honor be sought in all they think, speak, or do.

He expects that they will abstain from all sin. Sin brought them into danger. Sin rendered it necessary that He should suffer, bleed, and die for them. Sin grieves His love, wounds His heart, and dishonors His name; therefore He requires them to avoid sin, abstain from sin, and hate sin!

Reader, what do you think of Jesus? How do you feel toward Him? What do you think of His love, His wondrous love? What effect has it upon you? What are your views of sin - all sin? How do you feel toward sin? What do you think of good works?
Are you zealously endeavoring to perform them?

And WHY, dear Saviour - tell me why,
You thus would suffer, bleed and die?
What mighty motive could you move,
The motive's plain - 'twas all for love!

For love of whom> Of sinners base;
A hardened herd, a rebel race!
That mocked and trampled on Your blood,
And trifled with the wounds of God!

They nailed Him to the accursed tree;
They did my brethren - and so did we!

The soldier pierced His side 'tis true;
But we have pierced Him through and through!

~James Smith~

(The End)

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