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Thursday, May 29, 2014

What It Means to be Filled with the Holy Spirit # 22

"I was in the Spirit ... and Heard" (continued)

John was "in the Spirit" and be beheld the mighty workings of the Throne (Revelation four and five).

"In the Spirit" he beheld the One that sat on the Throne.

"In the Spirit" he beheld that in the midst of the Throne "stood a Lamb as it had been slain" - he beheld the Lamb that hath prevailed to open "the Book, and to loose the seven seals thereof."

"In the Spirit" he beheld, in the midst of the Throne, the seven Spirits of God - the sevenfoldness of the Holy Spirit, he beheld the Omnipotent Power and Energy of God's Spirit at work in the midst of the Throne.

"In the Spirit" he beheld, in the midst of the Mighty Workings of the Throne, the prayers of the saints - the intercession of those devoted to the Lord.

Revelation 1:9, tells us that John was on the Isle of Patmos, and that he was "in the Spirit on [in] the Lord's Day." Notice the Greek says, "in the Lord's Day," and it means that the Lord possessed the Day. It is speaking of the Supreme Realm of the Lord's Throne. This does not refer to a day set aside by the people of God for worship and rest. No, the Romans would not have allowed this because John was on the Isle of Patmos, and he was there because of the Word of God, and the Testimony of Jesus; and the Romans would have considered him a criminal. No, this was "in the Lord's Day!" This was, and is, and ever-shall-be the Supreme, Sovereign Day of God's Throne, and John was "in the Spirit on [in] the Lord's Day."

The Romans did not possess this "Day!" Nor do the earthly powers of our time, or of the time to come, possess this "Day!" Nor does that ancient serpent, called the devil, and satan, possess this "Day!" No, it is the Lord's Day because it is the "Day" the Lamb hath prevailed - "in the midst of the Throne ... stood a Lamb as it had been slain." - Though slain, the Lamb stands, and He stands in the midst of the Throne. - It is the "Day" that the Lamb, "bearing the wounds of the Cross in His Glorified Body," stands in the midst of the Throne.

The Lamb was slain, and He prevailed. He overcame, and conquered all His foes. He spoiled principalities and powers; He triumphed over them in His Cross (Col. 2:15). Hell and the grave could not hold Him! He is alive forevermore! He Arose from the grave and He ascended into the realm of the Throne! An now this Prevailing Lamb, through the Might of God's Spirit, is bringing all things into, and under, the Supreme, Sovereign order that God always intended!

~T. Austin-Sparks~

(continued with # 23)

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