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Monday, May 4, 2015

No Adequate Words

"His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire." (Revelation 1:14)

It is a sad thought, but I suppose some Christians are going to be disappointed when they actually see Jesus. Their conception of Him has been shaped by the paintings and images they have seen of the human Jesus. The radiant, awesome Jesus of the Revelation is totally outside their perspective.

In detailing his vision of the risen, glorified Christ, John conveys valuable insights to us. Jesus' vesture is the priestly robe. His golden sash is designed for royalty. His snow-white head and hair speak of God's utter holiness. His eyes, "as a flame of fire and his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace," depict God's wrath and judgment (Revelation 1:14-15). John saw the face of Jesus as the sun shining in its full strength. How  can anyone add to that? If you want to know how strong the sun is, try looking to the sky at midday. You never, never can gaze directly into that full glow.

I cannot fully comprehend the power and the glory belonging to this One whose face will shine eternally with the brilliance of the sun! I do not have the words to explain that kind of brightness and light.

Lord, in our day of all-too-familiar flippancy before You, I need to be reminded of the majesty of our Great God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen


Come, Lord Jesus!

"He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen, Even so, come, Lord Jesus." (Revelation 22:20)

There is no doubt in my mind that millions of Christians in our day yearn within themselves to be ready to see the Lord when He appears. These are the saints of God who have a real understanding that what our Lord Jesus Christ is to us in our personal lives, moment by moment, is more important than merely dwelling always on what He did for us.

Th crux of the whole matter is this: our wonderful, created world will be restored to its rightful Owner. I for one look forward to that day. I want to live here when Jesus Christ owns and rules the world. Until that hour, there will be conflict, distress and war among the nations. We will hear of suffering and terror and fear and failure. But the God who has promised a better world is the God who cannot lie. He will shake loose satan's hold on this world and its society and systems. Our heavenly Father will put this world into the hands that were once nailed to a Cross for our race of proud and alienated sinners.

It is a fact. Jesus Christ is returning to earth.

I bow my head and continue to pray with the humble writer of the Revelation: Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!"

Lord, I cannot even begin to imagine that day when the world is restored to Your rule. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Amen

~A. W. Tozer~

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