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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Pursuing God

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7)

As youngsters, many of us learned to recite one or more "children's prayers." Believers and nonbelievers alike can easily recall the familiar verses of "Now I lay me down to sleep" and "God is great, God is good." In our formative years, it is vitally important to grasp the concept of communication with God. However, as we mature in our spiritual lives, these elementary, repetitive prayers seem to lose their value.

What then, is the best way for a growing Christian to speak with God? Examine the text of Matthew 7:7-11. These encouraging words are meant to inspire prayer. Verses 7 and 8 advise us to ask, seek, and knock in order that we may receive, find, and have doors opened to us. Verses 9-11 reassure us that God's intent is never to harm us, but rather to give us things that are good for us.

What can we learn from this passage? Clearly, God wants us to pursue Him in our prayers and our actions, with confidence in His ability to meet our needs. Yet pursuing God (asking, seeking, and knocking) requires active participation. Our heavenly Father wants to be known, To truly know Him, we must seek His countenance, wisdom, character, and will for our lives. As you seek God, pray with originality and zeal. Pray actively from your heart, instead of passively from your memory.

Lord, help me to seek all that You are, in my prayers. In asking, seeking, and knocking, may I pursue You and Your will. Amen

~Charles Stanley~

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