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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Pioneers of the Heavenly Way # 15


Hebrews 11:24-27, 13, 16

The Rod

You wonder why this was graduated as it was. It did  not happen all at once. The effect of the rod was only partial to begin with, but gained in strength and power as it went along.

There are two sides to this. On the one hand, there is the progressive nature of this education: it is gradual. we do not come all at once to see and to know the full power of heaven. We learn it a bit at a time. It is graduated. It goes so far at one time; it will go further later on. Are we not learning that? WE learn it in simple ways - how heaven is greater than earth, than man, than nature, than the enemy. We are learning, step by step, more and more of the meaning of that tremendous, infinite ascendancy of heaven.

But there is the other side. God, by this gradual means, is drawing out the opposing forces, gradually extending them. "I will harden Pharaoh's heart." God could have wiped him out in one stroke, but He is going to extend him to his utmost limit. The power of this world is going to be drawn out to its full extent to meet the infinite power of heaven, and then heaven's superiority will be a very simple thing, after all.

We have so often said this, and it is true. Though we cannot grasp it or see it or calculate it, the truth is that "the power that worketh in us" is "exceeding greatness of his power" (Ephesians 3:20). We do not know, we are not able to measure, the immensity of the forces that are against the soul being saved, the immensity of the forces that are set against God's full purpose for His people. We know a little, and we shall know more and more as we go on; but when it says "the exceeding greatness of his power", that is not just language: that is an attempt - only an attempt - by means of language, by superlatives, by all that human language can do - to arrive at the reality. "The exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to that working of the strength of his might which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead" (Ephesians 1:19, 20). And that is to us-ward.

There is something tremendous here. It is heaven's superiority over this whole situation to bring a people out and to bring a people through. He was put through that ordeal in order that he might progressively, but quite steadily and definitely, recognize that all that is here in Egypt, all that Pharaoh represents, is going to be drained to the last drop of its vitality and he laid in death at last - all of it. Moses was sometimes apprehensive. Sometimes he came back from the challenge disappointed. He felt, 'We have not got there yet, something more is needed yet'. 'All right', says the Lord, 'we will have something more.' The Lord was leading him on in his education; he was coming progressively to see more and more. Do you not think that, if God did everything all at once, in one act, we should miss something, we should take it all for granted, it would not mean so much to us, it would be just a miracle of the past? And yet throughout our lifetime God is extending the forces against us in order to prove that His forces are superior. It is a long schooling, but that is the way of the heavenly purpose.

The Hand

From the rod to the hand. "Put now thy hand into thy bosom." What hand? That hand that had murdered the Egyptian, that hand stained with blood, that hand of natural strength, that hand of self-sufficiency, that hand which represented the old Moses and his failure, failure under the energy and drive of his own will. 'Put that hand in. What is in your bosom, Moses? That is what is yours. Do you think that can wield the rod of God? Do you think that can bring in the heavenly authority? Oh no, that hand has to be cleansed before you can wield that rod. That bosom must be cleansed, that stain must be removed, all that self-energy and self-sufficiency has to be undercut. Moses, that leprous hand is what you are like in yourself.'

Are we not discovering that? What is my heart like? What are we like? Just like that. The more we know and see of ourselves, the more it is like leprosy. But, blessed be God, there is a cleansing. For Moses that was a Divine act of cleansing. In that instant, all the meaning of the Cross, the word of the Cross, took effect in Moses' life - of course in type, in figure. And now that there is a hand cleansed, that is, a heart circumcised, the inner life separated from the fleshly strength and sufficiency, all that can take the word of the Cross, the word of authority. It must be like that. We have no power in the realm of the gods of Egyptians, those spiritual forces that are actuating this world, no authority at all in that court, no hope of overpowering  that strength, unless something has happened for the deliverance of ourselves from our own strength, our own sufficiency, our own hearts.

~T. Austin-Sparks~

(continued with # 16 - "(11) Israel Under the Leadership of Moses")

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