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Sunday, August 26, 2012

God Blesses His Children for Holy Intentions

"Jesus answered, If I honor myself, my honor is nothing; it is my Father that honoreth me" (John 8:54)

"Them that honor me I will honor," said God once to a priest of Israel, and that ancient law of the kingdom stands today unchanged by the passing of time or the changes of dispensation. The whole Bible and every page of history proclaim the perpetuation of that law.

"If any man serve me, him will my Father honor," said our Lord Jesus, trying in the old with the new and revealing the essential unity of His ways with men.

It seems plain that almost any Bible character who honestly tried to glorify God in his earthly walk was so honored. See how God overlooked weaknesses and failures as He poured upon His servants grace and blessing untold. Let it be Abraham, Jacob, David, Daniel, Elijah or whom you will; honor followed honor as harvest the seed. The man of God set his heart to exalt God above all; God accepted his intention as fact and acted accordingly. Not perfection, but holy intention made the difference!

In our Lord Jesus Christ this law was seen in simple perfection. He sought not His own honor, but the honor of the God who sent Him.

"If I honor myself," He said on one occasion, "my honor is nothing; it is my Father that honoreth me." So far had the proud Pharisees departed from this law that they could not understand one who honored God at his own expense.

~A. W. Tozer~

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