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Sunday, April 19, 2015

A Fixture In God's Mind

"The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of longsuffering; thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness." (Psalm 41:3)

It says in Hebrews 2:6, quoting from Psalm 8:4, "What is man, that thou art mindful of him?" The Greek word for mindful means "fixture in the mind." We're a fixture in God's mind. And the only wonderful, strange eccentricity of the great free God is that He allows Himself to be emotionally identified with me, so whatever hurts me, hurts Him. Whenever I'm in pain, God is in pain; whenever I suffer, He suffers. Scripture says, The Lord ... wilt make all [our] bed[s] in [our] sickness" (Psalm 41:3). God sits beside us and grieves when we grieve.

Love also feels pleasure in its object. God is happy in His love. When people love each other, they're very happy.

A young mother is always happy over her baby. I've never seen one that wasn't. Sometimes a mother may get a little angry when the child gets big enough to push things over, but for the most part, love is a pleasurable thing. And God is happy in His love toward all that He has made.

How amazing that You would take delight in loving me! Thank You, Father, for understanding me so well and for Your unfailing love. Amen


The Greatness of God's Love

"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

If I were to try to talk about the greatness of love I would only run in circles because I can't speak of that which cannot be spoken of. But to break it down a little, this love of God is an attribute of God, which means it is eternal, immutable and infinite. It never began to be and it can never end; it can never change and there is no boundary to it.

Every time God thinks about you, He thinks about you lovingly. Even if He must chastise you, or allow hardships to come to you, it is love that allows it to come and love that sends it. And we never should be afraid of love, because love casts out fear.

The best preservative in the world is the love of God. Some people believe in the security of the saints from theological grounds. They take it from a text somewhere. I believe in the security of the saints because God is love and God always keeps that which He loves. We always keep what we love - always.

He loves us so that no creature - neither seraphim nor cherubim nor archangel nor principality nor power nor all of them added together in all the vast universe of God - can ever hope to know how overpassingly great is the love of God, and how tenderly, how sweetly and how much He loves us.

Lord, I can't even comprehend the immensity of Your love for me. May I be aware of all the expressions of Your love that I encounter as I go about my day. Amen

~A. W. Tozer~

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