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Monday, April 6, 2015

He Knows Everything

"Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do." (Hebrews 4:13)

God's understanding is limitless. His knowledge is perfect, and there isn't a creature anywhere in the universe that isn't plainly visible to His sight. Nothing is shut before the eyes of God. That is what is called divine omniscience, one of the attributes of God. An attribute, as I have said before, is something which God has declared to be true about Himself.

God has declared by divine revelation that He is omniscient, that he knows everything. The human mind staggers under this truth when we consider how much there is to know and how little we know.

When I received one of the honorary degrees that have been bestowed on me, I said, "The only thing that is learned about me is this pair of glasses." If a man has his hair slicked back and a pair of learned-looking glasses, they call him a doctor. We don't know very much, really, and when we consider the great God who know all there is to know with perfection of knowledge, we stagger under that. The weight of the truth is too much for our minds.

I stagger and am challenged, but I take comfort in knowing that You know all things. I rest in Your perfect knowledge today. Amen


God Already Knows

"O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me ... Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways." (Psalm 139:1, 2)

In the same way, God, in one effortless act, knows instantly (not a little at a time, but instantly and perfectly) all things that can be known. That's why I say that God cannot learn. As I said before, if we realized that God couldn't learn, we could shorten our prayers quite a bit and step up their power. There is no reason to tell God things that He knew before you were born!

God knows the end from the beginning and He knew it long before it happened. Long before your parents met, God knew what you would be doing at this very moment. Before your grandparents met, before England was a nation, or the Roman Empire dissolved, or the Roman Empire was formed, God knew all about us. He knew every about us - every hair on our head, our weight, our name, our past. And He knew it before we were born.

He knew it before Adam was. And when Adam walked in the garden with God, God knew all about Adam, all about Eve, all about their sons, all about the human race. God never gets astonished, astounded or surprised, because He already knows. You can walk down the street, turn the corner and get the surprise of your life. But God never turned the corner and got surprised, for the simple reason that God was already around that corner before He turned it. God already knew before He found out! God knows all things!

Lord, I'm thankful that with You there are no surprises, nothing You don't know ahead of time. Thank You! Amen

~A. W. Tozer~

[Wow! What very thought provoking reading! We already knew that God knows everything but reading this makes it sink in to our  hearts even more. This takes time to really discipher and lay upon our inner being, and to lay upon our souls! (The Shepherd's Disciple)]

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