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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

God Was, That's All!

"Thy throne is established of old: thou art from everlasting." (Psalm 93:2)

God never began to be. I want you to kick that word "began" around a little bit in your mind and think about it. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Genesis 1:1), but God Himself never began to be! "Began" is a word that doesn't affect God at all. There are many concepts and ideas that don't touch God at all, such as the concept of beginning or creation, when God spoke and things began to be. "In the beginning God created" - but before the beginning, there wasn't any "beginning"; there wasn't any "before"! The old theologians used to say that eternity is a circle. Round and round the circle we go, but back before there was any circle, God was!

God didn't begin to be - God was. God didn't start out from somewhere - God just is.

But there never was a time when God was not! No one said, Let God be"! otherwise, the one who said "Let God be" would have to be God. And the one about whom He said "Let him be" wouldn't be God at all, but a secondary "god" who wouldn't be worth our trouble! God, back there in the beginning, created. God was, that's all!

Lord, You are beyond my comprehension and worthy of my praise. Thou art from everlasting, the great I AM. Amen


An Everlasting Now

"But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end." (Psalm 102:27)

Time cannot apply to God. C. S. Lewis gave us an illustration which I'd like to pass on to you. If you can, think of eternity, of infinitude, as a pure white sheet of paper extending infinitely in all directions. Then think about a man taking a pencil and drawing a line, one inch long, on that infinitely extended sheet of paper. And that little line is time. It begins and it moves an inch and ends. It begins on the paper and it ends on the paper So time began in God and will end in God. And it doesn't affect God at all. God dwells in an everlasting now.

You and I are creatures of time and change. It is in "now" and "was" and "will be" and "yesterday" and "today" and "tomorrow" that we live. That's why we get nervous breakdowns, because we're always just one jump ahead of the clock. We get up in the morning, look at the clock and let out a gasp of dismay. We rush for the bathroom, brush our teeth, tear downstairs for breakfast, eat a half-cooked egg and rush out to catch the commuter bus. That's time, you see - time is after us! But God Almighty  sits in His eternal "now". And all the time that ever was is only a tiny mark upon the infinitely extended bosom of eternity.

No beginning, no ending, no time limitations, no start, no finish ... I am so small, Lord, and yet You care for me. Thank You, Loving Father. Amen

~A. W. Tozer~

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